riDeveloper Software Developer

*Large/Small companies commonly use custom software for critical functions, including content management,
inventory management
, customer management, human resource management, or otherwise to fill needs that
existing software packages cannot.

Custom software
is software that is specially developed for some specific organization or other user. As such,
it can be contrasted with the use of software packages developed for the mass market, such as commercial
 (COTS) software.

Custom software can be developed by an in-house software development group, or be commissioned from a software
 house or independent software developer.

Since custom software is developed for a single customer it can accommodate that customer's particular preferences
 and expectations. Custom software may be designed in stage by stage processes, allowing all nuances and possible
 hidden dangers to be taken into account, including issues which were not mentioned in the specifications. Especially
 the first phase in the software development process may involve many departments, including marketing, engineering,
 research and development
 and general management.

Now with internet growing stronger each year, custom software can be integrated with web pages that run on
 database functions.

Our service area includes  Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange counties.


Custom software development is done right with RiDevelopment. We provide custom software solutions.

RiDevelopment. specializes in custom software development, database solutions, development solutions, custom
 applications, and custom programming services (just to name a few). Our software development is versatile and is
 available in a variety of programming languages including: C#,  SWIFT, PHP, ASP, .NET. and RealStudio.  Our talented
 programmers can develop custom software that utilizes MS SQL, MYSQL, and Microsoft Access Databases.

Going global and need to hire a coder or hire a programmer? RiDeveloper can create a custom application,
 custom web application in any language around the globe. RiDeveloper's talented software development teams
 work hard to make your custom software, custom database solution, or web application a success.


  riDeveloper Custom Software contact development team @  ri@rideveloper.com